looking and feeling great in your wedding photos

So excited to have Glorianna of Glorious Moments Photography sharing her tips with us for feeling and looking great in your wedding photos! All photos in this post are hers so i you like what you see, consider reaching out for your own engagement or wedding session!

How to Look BEST in Your Wedding Photos

By Glorious Moments Photography

Imagine your beautiful wedding day… You’ve spent the past year planning every little detail, and finally, it’s here! 24 hours after the wedding day you received a few sneak peek photos. You flip through them, and you think, “WHY DID I LOOK LIKE THIS. I don’t look flattering at all.” That’s a scary thought, right? 

Thankfully, after you read this post, that won’t happen to you. I got you! I’m sharing with you a few tips on How to Look Your Best in Your Wedding Photos.

First and foremost, know that you’re beautiful. You’re one of a kind. So, here are the tips on how to look best in your wedding photos.

To be frank, it’s not your job to make you look beautiful on your wedding day.

Like I mentioned above, you’re beautiful. Especially on your wedding day, you look radiant. As a bride, I think you should enjoy and slow down on your wedding day and let people worry about how to make you look best on your wedding day. Your makeup artist will doll you up and your photographer will reveal the best of you through their lens.

  1. If you FEEL good, you’ll look good so Whatever this means to you in order to build that confidence up. It may be eating healthy, working out or as simple as treating yourself to a fresh haircut or new perfume. When you’re confident and you feel good about yourself, that will reflect in front of the camera.

  2. Take advantage of the makeup trial. To make sure that you are absolutely in love with your wedding makeup, do a makeup trial. I’d also suggest that you do it on your engagement session, that way, you’ll see how the makeup looks in front of a professional camera. Sometimes iPhone photos and the photos done by your photographer have a different look. The makeup might look too much on your iPhone, but it might look stunning from our cameras.

  3. Ignore your photographerOkay, that might sound misleading, you should definitely pay attention to us when we ask you to :) But for most of the part, try not to look at the camera too much. Instead, look at each other and pay attention to loving on each other. The best photos are the ones that show feelings. So, show your love to each other, remember those feelings, and let us preserve those moments through our lenses.

  4. Enhance your favorite part of the body.This works differently for everybody. In general, any parts that you want to downplay or that you want to appear slimmer should be moved away from the camera. A few examples that you can try in front of the mirror:

  • Lean your head slightly towards the camera and tilt your chin slightly down to enhance your eyes.

  • Make sure your hands aren't ever flat by your sides to make you appear slimmer. Bring your arms and elbows slightly away from your waist so the camera can see your waistline.

  • To make you look a little taller, put one foot in front of the other.

5. Hire the photographer that you like and you trust best.The most important thing of all is that you work with the photographer you like and you trust most. Once you do that, you don’t need to worry about how you stand or what to do with your hand. You will know that your photographer will create the best photography timeline and the best location so that you will look super flattering. If you hire us as your wedding photographer, we will fix your hair, we will cheer you on wedding planning, we will create an atmosphere so that you can love on each other, and we will reveal the best of you. Most of all, we will capture your day while you’re enjoying it.

From the moment you put on that dress, the reaction on your daddy’s face when he sees you in that dress, that sweet first look, the way he brushes your hair, the cheer from your bridal party, the dance floor, and everything in between, we will capture it in a way that makes you look best. Not only because you look stunning that day, but also because you feel great and are so happy.

Thank you so much for reading it all the way here. We hope that these tips help you be more confident on your wedding day. If you’re looking for a wedding photographer with a romantic and bright style, we’d love to chat with you. Schedule a discovery call here. If you’re not ready for a call, check out our website here. Can’t wait to talk all about your wedding with you soon!